The distribution of all pairwise distances is useful to understand the optimisation in a guided tour, to compare e.g. different optimisation methods or different number of noise dimensions.
distanceDist(planes, nn = FALSE)
planes | Input planes (e.g. result of guided tour) |
nn | Set true to only consider nearest neighbour distances (dummy, not yet implemented) |
numeric vector containing all distances
planes1 <- purrr::rerun(10, tourr::basis_random(5)) planes2 <- purrr::rerun(10, tourr::basis_random(10)) d1 <- distanceDist(planes1) d2 <- distanceDist(planes2) d <- tibble::tibble(dist=c(d1, d2), dim=c(rep(5,length(d1)),rep(10,length(d2)))) ggplot2::ggplot(d) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(ggplot2::aes(factor(dim), dist))